Cheng Xu

Dr. Cheng Xu is a Chinese American aerodynamic design engineer. He is an American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow and a member of Technical Committee on Energy and Power Systems, IASTED.[1]

Xu has made important contributions to the aerodynamic design and research as an engineer and educator. He is the leader of aerodynamic design in the turbomachinery. He performed advanced research and applied his research results to industry turbomachinery design. He developed a three-dimensional viscous optimization design procedure for industry turbomachinery aerodynamic and heat transfer design. He was instrumental in developing high efficiency and wide operating range compressors.[2] He has published almost one hundred papers in peer-reviewed academic journals and refereed conferences. In 2006, Xu was awarded the 2006 Best Paper Award from ASME for his paper A study of Single Stage Centrifugal Compressor.[3]



Xu attended the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and received a MS in Aerodynamics in 1992. He received a Ph.D in Mechanical and Production Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 1997 and a Ph.D in Turbomachinery from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, in 2000.

Selected publications

Academic and Professional Journals

Book chapters

  • Chapter 6—Heat Transfer Predictions of Stator/Rotor Blades and Rotating Disk, Book Chapter in Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Systems, 2002, pp. 227-261, ISBN 1-85312-666-7, ISSN: 1369-7331, WIT Press, UK.
  • B. Sunden & M. Faghri, Heat transfer in gas turbines, 2001, WIP press.
  • R.S.Amano and B. Sunden, Thermal Engineering Aspects in Power Systems, ISBN 978-1-84564-062-0 ISSN: 1369-7331WIT Press (2009)

US Patents
